What's New in this Release?

Version 3.1, August 3, 1998

Access Database Queries
WorldMerge will now allow you to select an Access database query when creating a new project with an Access database. Previous versions only allowed you to choose a table when creating a new project.

Increased database fields
WorldMerge will now allow you to select up to 50 fields from the pull-down menu when personalizing your email. Your database may contain unlimited fields and you can enter them manually in your message as before.

"From" Field formatting bug
When starting a new project, the "From" field was populated as follows:
Your Name <Your@address.com>
If "Your Name" contained a comma, unpredictable and undesirable results could occur.
The "From" field is now populated as follows:
"Your Name" <Your@address.com>

Version 3.0, May 1, 1998

Registration Scheme
We have removed the Machine ID number from the registration process, so now the registration number is not machine dependant. Registration numbers are now validated on-line and all registration activity is logged on our servers.

Message Editting features
A "Select All" command was added to the Edit menu and the 32K message size limit has been removed.

Customizable Attachments
You can now send customized attachments to each recipient thanks to this new feature. For details on customizing attachments click here.

DAO Libraries Now Included
The latest Data Access Objects (DAO) libraries are now included with the WorldMerge installation kit. These files are required by WorldMerge in order to connect to Access and Excel databases.

"contains" Query Feature 
A new selection criteria has been added to the Select on Query dialog box. This feature gives you another powerful method of choosing recipients. For example, you could use the "contains" feature to select all recipients in a particular domain such as microsoft.com.


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