WorldMerge The fastest way to
reach thousands of customers with personalized e-mail messages.
Download WorldMerge now, and try it for 30 days,
absolutely free! Like it? Registration is only
$59.00! And,
once you register, you are entitled to free updates for the life of the product!
Check out the WorldMerge FAQ for
more info. You can also view the WorldMerge on-line help, which
includes numerous screenshots.
WorldMerge allows you to quickly and easily
generate large numbers of personalized e-mail messages using your
"internet-ready" database of recipients and a "template" e-mail
message. Here a just a few of the many uses:
- Provide monthly customized statements to your clients
- E-Mail your customers with a product upgrade or offer
- Send a customized newsletter to subscribers
- Send a personalized "thank you" e-mail to your
new customers
Compare this list of features:
- Direct support for your Microsoft Access, Microsoft Excel
or Text Delimited Database - no conversion or import required
- Project Wizard gives you the power to create new mailing
projects quickly and easily
- No limit on database fields
- Unlimited mailing projects
- Unlimited message attachments
- Maximum list size of 100,000 recipients
- Super Fast - Broadcast approximately 6,000 messages per
- Nearly 1/4 the price of comparable packages
Here's what others are saying about WorldMerge:
WorldMerge is one of the most elegantly simple and
highly effective email merge programs I have ever worked with. If you are preparing
newsletters, sales literature, notices or any other widely distributed email document this
is the only program to use. I use it for my sales correspondence and my free newsletter,
-Frank Rybak
Attend Promo-U for website promotion.
I recently downloaded a copy of WorldMerge and I'm
impressed with it, it does exactly what I need and I was surprised at how fast it was.
-Emil Gallant, Starfish Software
I have been trying to find an email package with mail
merge functionality for a long time now. World Merge does exactly what I've been looking
for. The cost of the package is saved many times over in the first mailing.
-Roger Galligan,Chief Executive, House of Ireland
Who's Using WorldMerge?

WorldMerge wins the 1997
Editor's Choice Award in the 12/97 edition of ZD Internet Magazine Germany, beating out
NetMailer, Campaign, and the rest of the competition!

WorldMerge honored as a
Shareware Must-Have for 1997 in Windows Magazine.
