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The U.S. All Media E-Mail Directory
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About the The US All Media E-Mail Directory
Who Should Use The Directory
How Do You Use The US All
Media E-Mail Directory
System Requirements
How to Order
About the The US All Media E-Mail
- The US All Media E-Mail Directory lists nearly
12,000 electronic-mail (e-mail) addresses for key editors, columnists, correspondents and
executives in magazines, newspapers, radio, TV and news syndicates across the United
States and Canada.
- The directory is organized by the type of media
and by subject for targeting public relations efforts. The data fields include:
- Industry and category (E.G. Telecommunication --
- The name of the contact
- Title or position (e.g., news editor)
- Address, phone number and fax number
- E-Mail address of the media organization.
- The hard copy perfect bound edition is about 115
pages, organized alphabetically by media and then by subject. There is a table of contents to get you to your target industry media, a subject index so you can look up the industry media by name, and a media locator to identify the page number for a given source, at the
end of the directory.
- The electronic e-mail version has industry
descriptors for each media category, and contains all the data in ASCII comma-delimited
text format. You can bring it into a spreadsheet, sort and search it, and quickly cut and
paste a targeted, tailored media list into your e-mail program.
- Now you can build your own targeted, tailored
e-mail media lists to bring your news and information into the hands of the electronic and
conventional media.
Who Should Use The Directory
- Entrepreneurs, inventors, authors, publishers,
business marketers, business development, advertisers, publicists, governmental affairs,
external affairs, and public relations personnel, just about anyone seeking to enhance
their public relations campaigns and outreach promotions can now use cyberspace to get
valuable publicity with the help of "The U. S. All Media E-Mail Directory".
How Do You Use The US All Media
E-Mail Directory
- You use The US All Media E-Mail Directory to send
out e-mail to the media --
- e-mail press releases
- announcements
- news about your hot new products
- networking
- on-line service
- article proposals and submissions
- teamwork & collaboration.
- There are all sorts of possibilities!
- A recent example: Internet Publishing Specialist
Steve OKeefe sent an announcement for a music book promotion to 36 magazine editors.
He received 6 requests for review copies.
- If you want to send e-mail to the media for
whatever reason, this is the database youll need.
- * Windows or DOS
- * Macintosh or PC-DOS
- * ASCII Text Reader (you can use Excel, Lotus
1-2-3, Word, Access, Approach, or other word processor, database or spreadsheet programs
that allow you to read text files)
- * any electronic mail program, whether it is on
the Internet, any on-line service such as America On-Line, Prodigy, Compuserve, or any
other type of service.
How to Order
It's simple to order by phone, fax, mail or
online. Just go to our ordering information page.
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Directory Home Page
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- Some content Copyright ©
1997, 1998, 1999 Direct Contact Publishing