WorldMerge Command Reference
File menu
Create a new mail merge project. When you select New, the Wizard is invoked to set up the
new project.
Open an existing WorldMerge project.
/ Save As
Saves the current project. The message is saved in its original file. If you typed in a
new message, the message is saved as a text (msg) file. The project status including the
message send status and list selections is saved as a PRH file. The project itself is
saved as a PRJ file. The PRJ file contains reference information for all files involved in
the project.
Exclusion List
This command allows you to view/edit the exclusion list file exclude.txt. The
exclusion list allows you to block WorldMerge from sending e-mails to addresses that are
in the list. For example, if you want to block WorldMerge from sending to a particular
address just enter the actual e-mail address:
If you want to block WorldMerge from sending to an entire domain, just enter:
You can have as many entries as you wish in the exlusion file - only one entry per line.
Use this option to set up your SMTP (outgoing mail) server name, your real name, and
your e-mail address.
Exits WorldMerge.
Edit menu
Edit Operations
These windows Edit operations affect only the text message window.
Message menu
Initiate the mailing process. You must be dialed in or otherwise connected to the Internet
and have an active Winsock connection. WorldMerge sends the message to each of the
selected addressees, one at a time. Merge fields in the message are replaced with the
corresponding fields from the mailing list database file. Note that a valid Internet Post
Office must be set up with the File-Configure option. As each message is sent, a check
mark appears in the status field to the left of each addressee in the mailing list
Initiate the mailing process. You must be dialed in or otherwise connected to the Internet
and have an active Winsock connection. WorldMerge sends the message to each of the
selected addressees, one at a time. The same message is sent to each recipient with no
personalization. However, sending in broadcast mode is approximately 20 times faster than
sending in merge mode. As each message is sent, a check mark appears in the status field
to the left of each addressee in the mailing list display.
If you select Message-Pause or press the Pause Send icon in the toolbar, the mailing
operation is halted. You can resume the mailing operation by again selecting Message-Send
or pressing the Start Send icon in the toolbar.
Attaches an external file to the message. The attachment is encoded in MIME base 64
format. You can attach up to 5 files per message.
Sets send report options. The send report log allows you to determine the status of each
message sent, and to determine the exact error returned by the mail server if an error
occured while sending to a particular recipient.
Allows you to set the Broadcast Recipient Text, which is the information that will be
displayed in the "To:" header field of messages sent in broadcast mode. It also
allows you to specify user-defined header fields.
List menu
Select All
Selects and highlights all entries in the mailing list. Selected recipients will be sent a
message, while unselected recipients will not.
Unselect All
Unselects all entries in the mailing list database.
Select on Query
You can select mailing list entries based on a query you configure in this dialog.
Clear Status
Clears the status flags (check marks) that appear in the status field to the left of the
entries in the mailing list display and reset the index of sent messages to zero. Be sure
you are ready to clear the status flags. If you have sent mail to a portion of the mailing
list and paused with the Pause Send command, then do a Clear Status, you will not easily
be able to mail to the remaining portion of the list (without manually examining the log
and rebuilding your mailing list).
View menu
Enable or disable display of the WorldMerge toolbar.
View Status Bar
Enable or disable display of the WorldMerge status bar.
Help menu
Help Contents
Display this help file.
On-line Help
Displays the URL of the most recent help information on the ColoradoSoft web site.
Displays the registration dialog box.
About WorldMerge
Display WorldMerge release information.
The Merge Fields button allows you to insert database fields into your message. When you press
this button a list of available database fields will appear. Selecting the appropriate
field will place this entry into your message.
You can automate WorldMerge via command line options. This allows you to run WorldMerge from your application automatically with or without user intervention. The command syntax is as follows:
Open project and do a Send Merge
worldmrg.exe -merge C:\FILES\My.prj
Open project and do a Send Broadcast
worldmrg.exe -broadcast C:\FILES\My.prj
Open project and wait for user interaction
worldmrg.exe -project C:\FILES\My.prj
Open project and do a Send Merge, then exit
worldmrg.exe -merge C:\FILES\My.prj -exit
The following is a list of SMTP server status codes that you may find in the send report file if you chose to generate one.
500 Syntax error, command unrecognized
501 Syntax error in parameters or arguments
502 Command not implemented
503 Bad sequence of commands
504 Command parameter not implemented
211 System status, or system help reply
214 Help message
[Information on how to use the receiver or the meaning of a
particular non-standard command; this reply is useful only
to the human user]
220 Service ready
221 Service closing transmission channel
421 Service not available, closing transmission channel
250 Requested mail action okay, completed
251 User not local; will forward to
450 Requested mail action not taken: mailbox unavailable
[E.g., mailbox busy]
550 Requested action not taken: mailbox unavailable
[E.g., mailbox not found, no access]
451 Requested action aborted: error in processing
551 User not local; please try
452 Requested action not taken: insufficient system storage
552 Requested mail action aborted: exceeded storage allocation
553 Requested action not taken: mailbox name not allowed
[E.g., mailbox syntax incorrect]
354 Start mail input; end with .
554 Transaction failed
Copyright © 1998 ColoradoSoft Inc. All rights reserved.