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..... | by Paul Hartunian
How to Get a Million Dollars Or More Of
'Advertising', Free of Charge.... FREE.... Even Tap The Enormous Powers Of Major Media, TV Shows Like 'Oprah', 'Sally', 'The Today Show', Publications Like 'Time' and 'USA Today', Free! Publicity is even more valuable than paid advertising - and possessing my proven secrets for creating massive amounts of positive publicity is like being handed a fresh checkbook with One Million Dollars in it, to be invested in promoting YOUR 'thing'.Dear Entrepreneur, I have gotten millions of dollars of "free advertising" for myself, my products and for my clients - but I really get a kick out of showing people like you how to "do it yourself", fast, cheap and simple. (If you call up some fancyschmantzy PR firm with six names on its stationery, they'll quote you "retainers" of $2,000, $5,000, even $10,000 a month to do for you what you can easily do BETTER for yourself, for PENNIES, nickels and dimes!) By the time you're through reading this Report, you'll see:
How I Raised Myself From Failure to Success In
Oh, and incidentally, here are the two most Big Point #1: I didn't do this once. I didn't just "get lucky". For three different products and involving collectibles, another involving "how to meet your dream mate" information and yet another with business products sold to business people....I've turned on my "free publicity machine" and attracted great media attention just as easily as attracting a swarm of bugs by turning on the porch light on a dark night. The SYSTEM that I've wound up with is UNIVERSAL. You can apply it for ANY purpose. And it'll work like a dream, just like the "system" of gravity works when you drop a pencil. Big Point #2: I did NOT just get a bunch of publicity and bathe a giant ego in the warm glow of fame. You can't put any of that in the bank. No, I am NOT interested in being famous just for the sake of being famous like Kato Kaelin. Nor do I want a big, fat scrapbook of newspaper clippings. I want MONEY. So when I crank up my "free publicity machine", I crank up a "Money Machine" --bringing floods of cash customers... eager buyers for what I offer. I'm going to show you how you could make great gobs of cash with free publicity. That's what I'm all about. But it wasn't always like that. When I first started trying to make publicity work, I was a dismal failure. I started trying way back at age 15. I collected a table full of books by so-called publicity experts -- most of whom I'd never heard of and had no publicity of their own to brag about (which should have told me something, but I was young and dumb). I followed their instructions. I labored over press releases and expensive "press kits". It took quite a while before I gave up altogether on their "normal" way of doing things. But finally I did give up. It turns out that most of the "pros" in this field needlessly complicate the entire process, to make it mystical and very expensive, so they make a lot of money -- whether their clients do or not. So everything they know how to do is a lot more beneficial to them than it is to you or me. So I gave up on them. And I struggled to find my own way. Testing this idea, then that one. Seeking out people who actually had gotten a lot of press coverage AND made money doing it, and looking at what they did. Talking to media people about what I'd been doing wrong. Looking for the FORMULA that would let me break through all the clutter and COMPEL the media to pay attention to me. Through a sequence of events, contacts, discoveries and costly experiments you probably couldn't replicate if you tried for 100 years, I came up with a fairly simple process that really worked. In fact, the first time I applied it in its entirety I got more publicity and sales than...